By: Blonde Two
My sisters and I do like a good singsong. The other day we were crooning along to ‘Diamonds on the Soles of her Shoes’ when we started laughing at the lyric, ‘She makes the sign of the teaspoon’. In truth, the laughter was mainly at our own interpretations of the sign. If you investigate this particularly lyric further, you will find out that the ASL sign for ‘spoon’ is rather pleasing, but bears almost no relation to the sign for ‘wave’ which forms the next lyric, ‘I make the sign of the wave’. As we are speaking in American Sign Language rather than British, I feel justified in an Americanism here… go figure!
I digress. What I wanted to tell you about is related to spoons, but not about Mr Paul Simon. Whilst Blonde One and I were enjoying the Peak District earlier this month, we discovered a strange sign (see above) in the lovely Edale. Being Blonde, we obviously had some intellectual and rugged discussions (there was no giggling at all) about what might constitute a ‘Spoonfest’; shared bowls of thick vegetable soup, a strange but ancient form of duelling and a very friendly over-night experience were suggested. As it turns out, ‘Spoonfest‘ is exactly what it says on the cutlery drawer; it is a gathering of people who all enjoy carving bits of tree into lovely spoons.
As Mr B2 had been enjoying a bit of spoon carving himself whilst I was away; I contacted him and suggested that he might want to investigate the festival for possible future attendance. His response, after a bit of research, was that it looked like fun, but that he would need to grow his beard longer if he planned to attend next year!