By: Blonde Two

Anyone who has grown-up offspring will recognise that moment of realisation when you finally understand that they are adults. For me, an example of this would be when, at the sight of steam still emitting from my bonnet (car not hat), after a trip around the supermarket, Not-at-all-Blonde instructed me, “Take the trolley back Mum, I’ll deal with this.”

I had another moment like that yesterday, but with other people’s offspring. The Two Blondes were out on Dartmoor doing some rather chilly Ten Tors training when we were faced with a bit of a medical dilemma. Little-Miss-Blonde and Young Leader J saved the day and allowed the group to walk on, by walking back off the moor to the car park and moving a vehicle around to our next “near the road” point.

Nothing complicated, but for me, it was the realisation at the end of the day, that we had asked adults for help and adults had responded.

A lovely moment of realisation. Thank you Little-Miss-Blonde and Young Leader J (I hope you read this one day) for the privilege of seeing you grow up and thank you for your support.  A complete pleasure, as always, to work with you.