By: Blonde One

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Blonde Two and I visited a site of many Blonde One family memories recently. We went up to ‘top church’ as it was locally known when I was growing up on the edge of Dartmoor, or Holy Trinity Church to the uneducated. There are many photos in my family’s collections that contain images of this church: including weddings, my own christening and even a televised Christingle Service. I haven’t been to this church for many years and was looking forward to returning. The church has had a bit of a rough time lately and unfortunately stands in ruin after an arson attack in 1992. Sitting on a bench drinking our coffee, we contemplated how beautiful and peaceful it still was despite the history. The sun shone through the trees and stone pillars, and we whiled away a lovely half an hour while I shared childhood stories (Blonde Two listened very patiently!).

The church has had a troubled history and has been the victim of 2 arson attacks, one bombing during World War Two, several tales of body snatching and even more tales of satanic rituals. Despite all of this I enjoyed our visit and still found it a peaceful place; I’m not sure that I would still think this on a dark stormy night!