By: Blonde Two
Not me, you understand, I can’t remember ever having run uphill.
Have a look at this river, it is I think, somewhere between Braemar Castle and the Spittle of Glenshee (Scotland is very good at names!) I can’t work out its name because I took so many photos on my last day in Scotland. Anyway, look carefully and decide which way you think it is flowing.
Now look at the river again, this time with its corresponding road. Do you think the photographer (me) is facing uphill or downhill?
Now I did this looking and thinking many times; and call me Blonde, but I am certain that the photographer (still me) is facing down the road, I also know (because I checked many times) that the river is flowing towards the photographer (definitely still me). An uphill conundrum wouldn’t you say?
Such was the skill of Dartmoor’s leat builders that their leats also appear to flow uphill in places, read more here:
It is a funny world!
Wonder if that refers to the Spittlebug, which is a nice little name for a froghopper that sits in cuckoo spit when it is very young – or maybe a comment on the weather!
I tried rotating it in Photoshop by ten degrees and then cropping straight and the illusion still persists.
Just think, if you were an artist painting that and you did it as it looks viewers would say you’d got it wrong.