By: Blonde Two

We all have off days. Ones when either we or the rest of the world doesn’t feel right. For me, that’s where being able to get outside can really make the difference.

I’m not sure if ‘healing’ is the right word but I do know that, whichever type of outside I choose, it will always bring me comfort and go a long way towards sorting my thoughts out.

There are other types of ‘comfort’ of course but I’m not sure any of them is as effective as getting out in the fresh air.

  • Mashed potato (SO GOOD but NO!)
  • Gin and tonic (TASTY but NO!)
  • Armchair and TV (TEMPTING but NO!)
  • Early night (GREAT but better after a walk so NO!)

All of this makes the news that Sunday 26th September is National Get Outside Day 2021. The last couple of years have seen more and more of us discover, explore and celebrate the great outdoors. During the pandemic outside has been our exercise, our meeting place, our rest, and our solace in a sometimes confusing and worrying world. So it’s only right that this year’s theme for National Get Outside Day is ‘BE KIND!’

Be kind to yourself, be kind to others, and be kind to our wonderful natural environment. Put Sunday 26th September in your diary, and join us in our favourite place… OUTSIDE!

The Countryside Code

  • Respect everyone

  • Protect the environment

  • Enjoy the outdoors

  • Follow advice and local signs


If you’re stuck for ideas as to what to get up to outdoors on National Get Outside Day, there are some great GetOutside guides here, or why not download the GetOutside App? And please go prepared to take your rubbish home with you. Together we’ve got this covered!