By: Blonde Two

Podcast is a good word isn’t it.

According to the Guardian in 2004 (that bastion of wordliness) these little audio broadcasts could have so easily ended up being called audioblogs or guerillamedia. Luckily for us that Apple had already invented the iPod because WalkmanCast really doesn’t have the same ring to it.

I have to confess to not being a great podcast listener (listening may not be my thing at all), I enjoy snippets of both Radio Devon (for its sheer ridiculous lovability) and Radio Four (for its intellect prodding persistence). However, we Blondes recently resolved to try our hand at podcast creation. Below is a link to our first attempt; I have to say I am quite pleased with it as it was a test of my editing skills and of our joint non-giggling skills. Do have a listen and let us know if we should make some more BlondeCasts (we are open to suggestions for titles!)