By: Blonde Two
This post was written pre Covid-19
We are both well and still excited to be OS GetOutside Champions again! Although we are passionate about the outdoors, we all need to do that in a very different way for now. For us that’s a Blonde mixture of outdoor equipment sorting, vegetable growing and local walking once a day. We won’t be able to see each other but, over the next few weeks we will be posting as many ideas as we can about how to make positive changes to keep your local communities safe. We wish you all well and would love to hear all about how you are coping with life at the moment.
Lucy (B1) and Fi (B2)
Way way back many centuries ago…
Well not quite that long ago but four years ago this month Blonde One and I were telling you all about our new role as one (or two) of fifteen 2016 Ordnance Survey Get Outside Champions. Well time has passed and we are really pleased to announce that we have been selected to be Get Outside Champions again. There aren’t many of us original Champions left, we are becoming a dignified (well maybe) and revered (well probably not) group. The good news is however that there are now even more Get Outside Champions right across Great Britain, of all ages, from all walks (or runs, climbs or paddles) of life, and all wanting to help people experience an outdoor lifestyle. We Blondes have had so much fun encouraging people to enjoy the benefits of an outdoor lifestyle that we thought we would share a few of our champion moments with you:
We’ve hobnobbed with celebrities…
We’ve been on TV…
We’ve been outside with youngsters…
We’ve taught ladies to navigate…
We’ve taught gentlemen the skills of wild camping (backpack camping)…
We’ve slept outside without our tent…
We’ve entertained audiences…
We’ve travelled the UK…
We’ve been swimming in rivers…
We’ve been very sensible…
And (perhaps most importantly)… We’ve been quite silly…
As you can see from the pictures below, we have worn lots of hats (and coats) in our role as Get Outside Champions and we are looking forward to finding out what the next exciting year in the role is going to bring.
Original Get Outside Champions
We would like to point out at this point that (even though it has all been fun) five years’ service is definitely worth some kind of prize so next February, if we make it through selection again, we will be expecting a ride in one of Ordnance Survey’s planes… Or at least a map (Dartmoor please) deck chair each (then we wouldn’t have to keep stealing them!)
Congratulations! And thank you for referring to me as a gentleman 😉
You are definitely a gentleman… And thank you!