By: Blonde One
Our first day’s walking during our Gold style DofE expedition was on a very misty murky (claggy if you’re from up-north) day. We decided to persevere with our plans despite the weather trying to warn us off. We set off up the obligatory steep climb out of Edale and were rewarded part way up with excellent views. We know they were excellent because we had to stop often to admire them!
This walk was recommended by Little Miss Blonde and Numbers, who had been to the Peak District a few months previously. They correctly guessed the location when I sent a photo of Hollins Cross, which was our first proper coffee stop. The ridge was looking good even though we couldn’t see anything either side now; we were definitely walking in the clouds. Along the ridge there was no navigation necessary as we were led the way by a very clear path made up of interestingly patterned stones.
Our arrival on the top of Mam Tor at 517 metres was welcome and we had lots of other people to chat to and share the non-views with. Apparently Mam (aka mother) Tor is also know as the Shivering Mountain as there are frequent landslips of the shale that makes up the hill. These landslips have created really interesting looking smaller hills that can be seen from the road as you drive into Edale.
After we left Mam Tor we crossed the road to begin climbing again up to Rushup Edge and Lord’s Seat. Again we didn’t get much of a view apart from the few metres in front of us but we enjoyed what we did see! Lord’s Seat stands at 550 metres and is the site of an ancient burial. The round barrow was sadly fenced off.
Our route back down to Edale finished a really enjoyable day and despite the lack of views from the very top we were treated to some striking views part way down.