By: Blonde Two

I would love to tell you something very exciting about my connection with these tall golden statues but I am a secret identity and it really would give the game away. Suffice it to say that I have been in contact with a couple.  One day, of course, you will all be invited to the party when Blonde One and I receive our Academy Award for Two Blondes the Movie.  We may start casting the film soon so let us know if you want a part!

When we were out with Dartmoor Rescue the other night, we found hidden acting talents in the youngsters that we had chosen to take with us.  We have known for a very long time that these young people are an accomplished bunch – they can navigate, cross rivers, carry huge loads and still remember to look out for their (just a bit) slower adults.  To find out that they could act as well was a real surprise.

We had rehearsals before we left their roles including a couple of hypothermia cases, two broken limbs, a spontaneous pneumothorax (technical), a panic attack and one lad suffering from a disgusting lack of moral fibre.  My favourite part of the preparations was applying make-up – just a little touch of white with some hints of blue did the trick.  I didn’t go any further than that despite pleas from the lads to turn them into Smurfs.

As the evening progressed the performances were so convincing (maybe partly because these kids actually have faced some dodgy Dartmoor situations) that I felt myself being sucked into the whole thing and worrying about them.  I definitely didn’t earn any acting awards that night as I kept getting the giggles – particularly when one lad was invited to keep his hands warm in someone else’s armpits.  A later debrief suggested that this method works quite well along with wearing a policeman’s jacket – never do this without permission or you could end up with a whole different Dartmoor experience.

Obviously the award for “Best Make-Up” goes to … Blonde Two … but I won’t bore you with my speech (it would be quite gushy I think).  “Best Actor” though is a much trickier call, all of the kids were complemented by their rescuers and they even managed to unnerve an A&E nurse (who was fabulous with them).  I have come to a decision though, and the award for “Best Actor” goes to … Mr Hypothermia … for his convincing inability to remember his name and his obedience over the armpit thing.

So … by now, you should be able to guess what I am about to say.  Sometimes rescues are not about acting and one day it might be you.  The Dartmoor Rescue chaps and chapesses are volunteers, they have real jobs and everything.  Their work relies almost solely on public donation.  Accidents can happen to anyone (even Blondes have real ones sometimes). To make sure we can all get help should we need it – make a donation here –