By: Blonde One

For the last 18 months or so I have been looking for an online mapping system to help me to organise DofE expeditions. As you may remember, technology is not in my top ten of talent list, so I’ve had to enlist the help of many others. I have had 3 young leaders and numerous adults on the search for a system that does everything I need it to. I have come to the conclusion that no such system exists. I want to be able to create routes on an OS map, print a route card that is automatically created from the route, track students as they walk the route and be able to use all forms of operating systems. Fail! A few months ago I gave up my search but recently I have discovered quite a good compromise: Viewranger. It does most of the things I need it to, but not all. Despite my lack of technical know-how I have successfully used it on several trips and consequently I am feeling rather pleased with myself! Here’s the proof …

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This is a trace of our first Ten Tors training walk.

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This is a night walk that Blonde Two and I did. It was interesting to look at our route when we got back to civilisation and electricity. It is also pleasing and reassuring that our friends at Dartmoor Search and Rescue Ashburton have used it for years!