By: Blonde Two

A quick turn-around for B2 today because, after 3 nights with Mr B2 at the fabulous and away from it all National Trust bothy at Peppercombe, I am meeting B1 and we are going to the equally fabulous and definitely more luxurious Ilsington Country House Hotel on Dartmoor.

We have a very good reason for this treat night at the Ilsington (and it really will be a treat!) You see we Blondes have been planning and starting work on a very specific book for a long time now and we decided that the only way to make sure we actually got on with our writing was to have a writers’ retreat.

You want to know about the new book don’t you? Well it is going to be one for the girls (but boys you will be buying it for them), it is going to be funny (obviously because we Blondes couldn’t do anything without a giggle and some silliness) and it is going to be useful (which won’t be as boring as that sounds). I am very much looking forward to this publication as it will be our first book for adults.

I am perfectly sure that we have chosen the right location for our writers’ retreat, the Ilsington is peaceful, has lovely rooms for writers to enjoy, has the most friendly staff ever and has amazing views of Dartmoor.

Of course, we have set aside a bit of time for pre-writing silliness tonight!