By: Blonde One

On my walk this week I carried out a mini survey (completely unscientifically) on the ice formations that I saw. Normally this task belongs to the groups of youngsters that we take out. They take great pleasure on crunching over ice, breaking frozen puddles and marvelling at the patterns. This time I was on my own so took on the role on their behalf!

I took approximately 3.4 thousand photos (counting was never my strong point) and came to the realisation that the theory is indeed true: each ice particle is unique!



Not only that, but I discovered that each frozen puddle within Soussons Wood has a unique but similar pattern: a roughly circular arrangement. I don’t think I have ever taken any notice before but I’m very glad I did. I was also surprised to find that the ice was about one centimetre thick and underneath was not the expected pool of water but an empty dip in the ground. I don’t really understand how this is possible but I assume the water must have drained away after the top layer of ice had formed.



When I returned home I amused myself when I read the words on the family calendar …
