By: Blonde One

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In case you have been hidden in a cardboard box for the last few weeks, let me update you … the Two Blondes have just had a very exciting day in London for the publicity of the OS Get Outside Champions. We had an amazing day for all sorts of reasons. One of those reasons was the location. We were at the Holborn Studios on the Regents Canal. Some claim that it is the ‘Abbey Road of photography’ and judging by the photos of all the famous people that have been there I would agree.

As usual (mostly) we followed instructions: smiled when told, stood where requested and answered questions as well as we could. However, we are not used to being well behaved for any length of time and this day was no exception. In between tasks (group photos, small group photos, radio interviews, interviews to camera, eating chocolate cake) we snuck off to see what we could find. We decided that we quite liked studio 3 and borrowed a fellow OS champions climbing chalk to add our names to the door name plate. We liked this studio because it had a table tennis bat which we felt was very important. It also had the necessary make up desk with lights surrounding it.

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We have adopted this studio as our own (note to self: must remember to let Holborn Studio Manager know) and when next we need to be photographed or interviewed (soon, I’m sure) we will insist on being in this studio, unless we are on Dartmoor.